Tips for Growing Your Chiropractic Office

For individuals and families across the nation, chiropractic has become a popular form of holistic care. As a chiropractor, you know how important it is to have a modern, hand-crafted chiropractic website for your practice. This is necessary to build your online brand, reach new patients, and establish your expertise in your local community. Aside from an online presence, what are other ways that you can grow your practice? Keep reading to discover our top tips to help you grow your office.
1. Host Educational Events
While most Americans have heard of chiropractic care, they may not know how much extensive training is required for chiropractors or how many benefits there are for their health and well-being. You can utilize your expertise to host in-person or virtual events that serve to educate your local community about chiropractic care. This not only gets the word out about this alternative to traditional health care, it also helps promote your office.
During the event, you can hand out business cards and give out prizes to those that sign up for a new patient appointment. This can be something small, such as a pencil, pen, or cup with your business details on it. Potential patients will appreciate you taking the time to connect with the local community and show how much you care about your community’s health.
2. Write a Book
In today’s digital age, it has never been easier to write and publish a book. Thanks to tech giants like Amazon, it’s not necessary to send your book to a traditional publisher. You can self-publish a digital book through sites like Amazon. Why not use your knowledge, experience, and passion to help others?
Book suggestions include:
- Benefits of chiropractic care
- Exercises to improve mobility, range of motion, and muscle issues
- Tips to maximize chiropractic benefits
- Tips to achieve lasting health and wellness
- Tips to prevent injury as athletes
- Scientific studies showing the proven benefits of chiropractic
3. Create Chiropractic Videos
It’s no surprise that videos have become a popular way to consume information. Studies show that people are more likely to retain information that they have watched compared to reading information. This gives you a great opportunity to create professional, engaging chiropractic videos that your current and potential patients will enjoy and find useful.
Video suggestions include:
- About Us videos that show patients who you are, your mission, and the value you offer patients
- Educational videos showing specific exercises to prevent future injuries
- Patient testimonial videos from happy patients
- Services video that discusses your specialty services and how you are different from the competition
4. Sell Health Products
As a health professional, you most likely suggest specific products that can help enhance your patient’s health and well-being. This may include everything from ergonomic chairs to supplements. If you are looking to expand your office, this is an effective method. Patients will have a chance to check out the products you recommend and see if they want to purchase them. Having the products available in your office makes it more convenient than trying to find a specialty store that offers those items.
Product suggestions include:
- Chiropractic care books (maybe yours!)
- Ergonomic support chairs
- Ergonomic support pillows
- Nutritional supplements
5. Participate in Community Events
This tip is especially helpful for new practices that want to get to know their local community. If you just opened a chiropractic office, a great suggestion is to attend and participate in local community events. It’s likely that your community has events throughout the year for holidays, educational events for local schools, and health events with local health care providers. You will get to meet local residents and find out what problems they currently face with their health treatment plans. You will also meet other businesses that you can potentially establish partnerships with. It’s common to see companies sponsoring each other, which is a great way to bring in more patients and help other businesses out.
We hope you enjoyed this week’s latest article discussing some easy tips to grow your chiropractic office. While you don’t have to follow all of these tips, these are some tried and true methods to grow your business and help even more people achieve optimal health. Contact Brand Chiro in Wilmington, NC to learn more about all of our digital chiropractic services.