Everyone is using their phone to find services near them, whether it be a restaurant, oil service, or chiropractor. Did you know that 43% of Google searches involve local information? This means that all of those people are not only searching for the “what”, but are looking for the “who and where” as well. It’s incredibly easy to open the google maps or yelp app and search for a local business type. This is why it’s important for you to have positive reviews on these sites. People are more likely to come visit you if others have positive things to say about you. It also helps with search presence, as often the more reviews and higher ratings, the better your chances of being shown first.
Google is putting a lot of money by building Google+ Local . Yelp is also a very large company that many people use as well, so having people leave reviews there is a great bonus! Encourage your patients to leave these reviews by posting it in the office on flyers and banners, asking them in person, and sending email campaigns about it.
How do I have my practice members post Google+ or Yelp reviews for my chiropractic office?
It’s simple, just encourage them to search your practice name on their mobile or desktop using Google+ or Yelp, and have them sign into their own personal account, and leave a review. It’s that easy! Give them some sort of gift if they leave a positive review!
Let’s not count out Facebook, that’s an incredibly easy way to boost reviews as well. Just know that, as of right now, people are still searching for chiropractors on the standard search engines more so than they are for Facebook.
That’s it! If you ever need any SEO building, website updates, or any other marketing content, feel free to email us and we can get it done for you!